



  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year! Like many, I see the start of a new year as a way to pause and reflect on the year, recharge, and realign my goals for the new year. 

    I'm not one to make resolutions, but I do believe in goal-setting (so, just different wording? Haha). I use Lara Casey's Power Sheets for my goal setting, and I've used them for the past two years. Last year was a bust because I used them well up until April...when we decided to sell our house and move, and it was one thing that didn't make it back into my rotation of tasks until now. 

    Normally I use the new year as a way to write a tl;dr post on the previous year, but I'm not going to do that this year (everyone breathes a sigh of relief, right?). 

    Looking back, 2015, while it wasn't a total shit year, I wouldn't say it was a great year. It was HARD. Like, really, really hard. We had our second kiddo (which has its own learning curve when you suddenly DOUBLE the amount of children you have), we sold our house, and we moved two hours away from Portland. Add a car accident, a death in the family, and kiddo problems, and well, you can see why 2015 has been rated less than meh.

    The Boy has been having huge difficulties in school, to the point where he hasn't gone to preschool in a MONTH (of course, this happened at my busiest time of year for my business- when it rains, it pours, I guess. We survived!). I won't go into details, but Rob and I are working with all the resources we can to get him acclimated to an academic and social setting. We did not expect this. The Boy is such a sweet kid, and his teachers absolutely adore him (when he's not having humongous emotional outbursts triggered by random, illogical causes). But we are so grateful that even though we moved to a MUCH smaller town, we already feel and are receiving support for him. We will get through this. It may be a lifetime of work, but it's worth it for our kiddo.

    We lost an incredible person this month; Rob's grandmother passed away at the age of 96. She was an icon- in her community, in business, and within her family. While age tends to play a factor, it still doesn't make her passing any easier. I just wish we would have been able to pay our respects in person, but it was smack dab in the middle of Crafty Wonderland (and it was in Bend, which made it difficult to do both). Rob and I plan to make a trip to Central Oregon once the weather is better and say our goodbyes on our own. 

    Business has been wonderful; it's been one of the few things that have been a beacon of light and joy this year. I was able to have my products stocked in some of my absolute favorite stores; it's been an honor to see my goods stocked there. I can't wait to reveal the things I have planned for 2016!

    Lastly, I want to thank you. Whether you bought from MarshMueller in person at a market/craft show, online, or in a brick-and-mortar store, YOU are the reason it's possible for me to work from home and raise my kiddos. While there are days I question my decision to leave working full-time outside the home, there are plenty of days where the madness is worth it. Thank you for your support. 

    Here's to 2016! Cheers.

    Holly Marsh
    Holly Marsh

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