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stickers: buy 3, get 1 free!
After what feels like AGES of product development and testing, I am over the moon to announce the official launch of my brand spankin’ new Diaper Clutches!
Crappy Photoshopping FTW!
Seriously, these took so, SO much work to get them just right.
I was inspired by one that was given to me at my baby shower, but it needed some improvements.
• I wanted my clutch to work with as many brands of travel wipes as possible. Many of the clutches on the market only worked with one brand, and I wanted mine to be versatile. This included engineering the wipes pocket and the wipes portal (you know, where you pull the wipes out of) to work with many travel wipes brands.
My new diaper/wipe clutch works for Pampers wipes (or a horizontal wipes opening)……or a Huggies wipes opening (a vertical opening)!
The clutch has two sections: one for the diapers, and one for the wipes. No shimmying. No combined space for one to fight with the other. I made it easy for caregivers to slide in the diapers in the back section (and you can cram a lot of diapers in there–I’ve managed to shove in four size 4 diapers plus wipes and didn’t have to fight to get the damned thing closed). The wipes section is easy, too: you just slide the wipes container in. No finagaling, no frustration. And when it comes time to change the baby, BAM! Pull the wipes right from the clutch. All that needs to be taken out is the new diaper to be used.
I opted for a sewn-in velcro closure because as a parent, I’m SUPER paranoid about The Boy getting hold of something he’s not supposed to have, and swallowing/choking on it or parts from it. While I have seen diaper caryalls and clutches using adorable velcro and elastic, snaps, or magnets, as a parent, I didn’t want to make anything that could potentially endanger a child. So velcro it was. Double-stitched.
I debuted these little beauties at the Exclusively by Mommy craft fair at Cotton Babies, and they were a HIT! Everyone was as excited about them as I was. I’m now feverishly attempting to replenish my inventory as we speak.
Check out what I’ve got in my etsy shop so far (and many more to come once I make them!).
Now off to finish a custom diaper clutch for a customer!
Hey there, I'm Holly Marsh, the illustrator/nerd running the show here at hollymarshmallow. I love to draw, and write, and I'm so grateful you're here to read the weird stuff that comes outta my brain sometimes.
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