



  • MarshMueller Secret Labs :: For Realsies!

    I had a feeling 2015 was going to be a big year for MarshMueller. The goals I drafted at the end of 2014 were larger and more ambitious than ever...

    ...but also the most risky. I'm not a fan of risk, but sometimes in order for growth, you've gotta take that leap.

    And it. Is. Terrifying.

    One of the things I've had trouble with is space. While yes, MarshMueller did move into the smallest room of the house a few years ago, the business was slowly infiltrating other parts of the the garage...and the kitchen counter. Our house is definitely on the smaller side (900 square feet), so every nook and cranny counts. 

    Bolts of fabric tend to take up a lot of space. Craft show display items take up a lot of space. 

    With the collective weight gain of Baby 2.0, I was itching to get back to walking/running, and since I'm a fair weather weenie in Portland, Oregon, that meant one thing: the treadmill.

    The treadmill that was buried by craft show display items in our garage. 

    We (meaning Rob) had had enough. We started looking around for a storage space. Normally I would have never considered a storage unit, as I'm very anti-storage unit (unless you're in transition of some sort, just get rid of shit!). For this situation, however (meaning items for craft shows), it was a decent option.

    Until we found a space that would work for storage and production.

    Literally two minutes from our house.

    In the White Stag building. 

    While the building definitely has its quirks (see creepy hallway and interesting clown art above), it's a secured building with an inexpensive space that's perfect for my needs.

    Rob was definitely on board with the move.

    It's definitely not glamorous right now...I'm working on prettying up the space. But I've been super productive, and it's only been a month. I can leave all my crap out in the open! No folding up the over-the-door ironing board so we can let the dogs out. No photography equipment taken down halfway during the photo shoot due to a 3.5-year-old coming home from preschool. No craft show display items burying our treadmill and tools in the garage. 

    It's very freeing, but it's also terrifying: I have rent to pay now (among all of my other business expenses)!

    And on that note:

    Don't forget: save 15% on your order in the shop with coupon code BAM1515 until March 6.

    Holly Marsh
    Holly Marsh

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